“亲属称谓树“ (Qīnshǔ chēngwèi shù) also known as kinship tree or family tree is a visual representation of your family’s connections. It is like a snapshot of your family’s relationships across generations, showing how everyone is linked to one another. As you explore its branches, you can see the relationships between you and your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and more, and how each person fits into the bigger picture to form this family tree. Can you see how you are linked to everyone in the family? 😊

Traditionally, in a Chinese family, specific honorific titles are used to address family members as a form of respect. Here, we will guide you on the proper honorific titles through a series of videos and a FREE printable poster!

亲属称谓树是一张直观展示家庭关系的图谱。它就像一张跨越几代的家庭关系快照,生动地展现了家庭中每个人之间的联系。通过探索它的分支,您可以清楚地了解您与祖父母、伯伯、姑姑、堂兄弟姐妹等之间的关系,以及每个人在大家庭中的位置。您是否能看到您与家庭中每个成员的联系吗? 😊


ELFA’s Kinship Tree Video Guide: Learning Honorific Titles Made Fun!


Watch our very own ELFA Preschool children guide us in learning the honorific titles in a fun and engaging way—through speech and drama! Follow our delightful series of videos to learn how to address our relatives respectfully—from grandparents to uncles and aunts!


爷爷 Yeye,奶奶 Nainai

外公 Waigong,外婆 Waipo

伯伯 Bobo,伯母 Bomu

叔叔 Shushu,婶婶 Shenshen

姑姑 GuGu, 姑丈GuZhang

舅舅 JiuJiu, 舅母 JiuMu

阿姨 AYi, 姨丈YiZhang

Download a Free Copy Of ELFA’s Kinship Tree Poster: Your Child’s Guide to Chinese Kinship Terms With A Personalised Family Tree!


Impress your relatives and show respect by addressing them with the proper honorific titles during occasions like Lunar New Year and Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremonies! Download ELFA’s FREE Kinship Tree poster and personalise it with your family photos to help you remember the proper honorific titles during your festive visitations and celebrations.
