To widen their learning horizon, Chinese language teachers from ELFA Singapore joined their Crestar Education Group colleagues from Nurturestars and Kinderland preschools in Singapore and Malaysia to attend the 7th Asian Education Annual Conference in Zhuhai, China from 17 to 21 April 2019.
The first two days after their arrival was scheduled for visiting preschool centres. They visited an ELFA Preschool in Foshan and a Kinderland Preschool in Zhuhai on the first day. Their second day was spent visiting six local preschools in Zhuhai on the second day to learn about their curriculums, pedagogies and centre management.
At the Conference, they had the opportunity to select from a total of 54 seminars and workshops on various topics under 10 different subject categories. The presentations were shared by local and international experts in early childhood education in line with the conference theme “Grand new trend in quality Eastern early childhood education”.
Attendance at the Conference, which is billed as the biggest in China, has allowed the teachers to broaden their horizons and increase their understanding of the latest developments in early childhood teaching.

Delegates from Crestar Education Group Singapore and Malaysia at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, China

On April 18, 2019, ELFA Singapore Representative visited Hang Kong Xin Cheng Kindergarten in Zhuhai, with colleagues from ELFA China.

On April 18, 2019, ELFA representative and colleagues from China visited the Peach Colony Concert Hall, Sanzao Town No.2 Central Kindergarten, Zhuhai.

On April 19, 2019, teachers listened attentively to the keynote forum of the 7th Asian Preschool Education Annual Conference.