1. Love reading?

Bring the library to your home! Check out National Library Board’s NLB Mobile where you can access an extensive collection of eBooks, eMagazines and eNewspaper online. If you prefer to read offline, download the Libby app, and you will be able to download your eBooks and audiobooks for offline consumption. And the best part? No more hassle to return the books on time!!! Some of the fun titles we recommend are The Day the Crayons Quit by Draw Daywalt and Are You My Mother? by P.D.Eastman. Use a tablet for more comfortable reading.

(Images taken from nlb.sg)

2. Cook up a storm

Cook up a storm together with your children! Health Hub is an initiative by the Ministry of Health and Health Promotion Board, and the website has many healthy yet simple recipes you can try out with your children. Take their Fruit Chutney Oatmeal Pancakes recipe, for example. It takes only 30 minutes to prepare, and the whole family can get involved in cooking. Get your children to help with washing the fruits, mixing the flour or decorating the pancakes. At the end of the day, nothing beats homemade pancakes with a glass of milk!

(Image taken from Health Hub)

3. Eureka with Einstein

What would Einstein do? We can all learn Science using a few simple tools and ingredients available at home. Colour-mixing is a simple experiment we can do at home with food colouring. What colour does yellow and blue give us? Does mixing all the colours together give us a rainbow? Or try your hands at making your own hot air balloon. Don’t like what you see? Don’t worry, Preschool Market has another 98 crafts and experiments for you to try with your child this weekend!

4. See the world in a different light

We need not travel out of Singapore and can still enjoy the beauty of our planet through documentaries. Our Planet is a documentary series that won two Emmy Awards. Other than marvelling at our planet’s beauty, this series teaches us about climate change. Another recommendation is Night On Earth. This documentary uses low light photography and ultra-high-definition cameras to bring light to the deep darkness of night. For the first time, we can see what the animals do while we are sleeping. Do remember to limit sedentary screen time to no more than an hour a day based on Ministry of Social & Family Development’s recommendation and take a break every 20 minutes of screen time.

(Image taken from ourplanet.com)

5. Train to be an Anti-Virus Warrior

Unleash the Anti-Virus Warrior within! Make your child an Anti-Virus Warrior cape out of an old t-shirt and teach them the ways of virus protection. Everyone can do their part in times like this, including our young children. Cultivate good hygiene and self-care habit following 9 simple tips and learn the 7 steps of proper handwashing from this fun song “Washy Washy Clean” from Health Hub.

Click here to learn the 9 tips