Sustainability focuses on fulfilling our present needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own. ‘Sustainable Living’ emerged due to unsustainable consumption of resources such as trees, water, and fossil fuels. To ensure a secure future for our children and subsequent generations, we must change our approach to natural resource usage.

Sustainable eating, a crucial aspect of sustainable living, directly impacts the environment and our well-being. By incorporating sustainable eating habits in early childhood, we can help children understand the importance of sustainable eating from a young age, the environmental consequences, and the role they play in promoting eco-friendly habits.

The Importance of Sustainable Food Practices

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (United Nations, n.d.) reports that food production and agriculture contribute to over one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Our current food system exacerbates climate change, deforestation, soil degradation, and resource depletion. Taking action is vital to ensure food security, ecosystem preservation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for current and future generations.

How current food systems damage our planet. Sourced from The Association of UK Dietitians

Food Waste and Its Impact

Food waste is a significant issue in Singapore, with food waste generation growing by 20 percent over the last decade. In 2021, Singapore generated around 817,000 tonnes (National Environmental Agency, n.d.) of food waste. Wasted food not only increases our carbon footprint but also squanders the resources used to produce, transport, and dispose of it. This contributes to climate change and affects food security, as Singapore imports over 90% of its food supply.

Our Role In Food Sustainability

Parents and educators play a vital role in educating children environmentally sustainable eating habits. We can encourage children to consume more vegetables, discuss the environmental impact of food choices, and involve them in food-related activities like gardening and cooking. By fostering an understanding of the impact of their food choices on the environment, children become more aware of the consequences of their choices. This awareness leads to responsible dietary decisions, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future for both individuals and the environment.

ELFA preschool children fostering sustainability through hands-on gardening activities on campus

Taking Action: Steps toward Food Sustainability

The Singapore Government (Singapore Government, 2021) suggests several strategies to promote food sustainability:

  1. Opt for more greens, less meat
    Livestock rearing and transportation require large amounts of resources, impacting the environment. Consuming plant-based foods reduces this burden.
  1. Avoid highly processed foods
    These have a higher carbon footprint due to global ingredients and extensive manufacturing processes. Opting for whole foods minimizes environmental impact.
  1. Choose whole grains
    Non-refined carbohydrates require fewer resources to produce, as they involve fewer processing steps.
  1. Reduce food packaging
    Non-recyclable packaging harms the environment, as production uses considerable resources and generates harmful emissions. Choose products with minimal or recyclable packaging.
  1. Limit grocery trips and buy local
    Reducing trips to the grocery store or shopping at nearby locations and supporting local producers reduce your carbon footprint and support local economies.

Cultivating Eco-Consciousness: Sustainable Eating and Green Initiatives at ELFA Preschools

At ELFA preschools, children are instilled with the values of sustainable eating from a young age. They learn the importance of minimising food waste by requesting only the portions they can finish and asking for additional servings only when needed. Although it may seem like a small act, this approach helps our young learners establish a solid foundation for eco-conscious living.

Furthermore, teachers at ELFA preschools have seamlessly integrated lessons on the importance of planting and nurturing greenery to promote a sustainable future. ELFA Chinese Preschool @ Pandan Valley exemplifies this commitment, featuring a vibrant spice garden on campus that includes plants such as rosemary, pandan, lemon balm, and more. This method not only enriches the learning experience for our children but also serves as a testament to the school’s dedication to nurturing environmental awareness and responsibility.

Spice Garden at ELFA Chinese Preschool @ Pandan Valley


Agency, N. E. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Government. (2021, April 26). Retrieved from

Organization, F. a. (n.d.). Food and Agriculture Orgnization. Retrieved from United Nations: