ELFA Preschool’s Kindergarten 2 students marked a significant milestone in their early years learning journey with an impressive showcase of skills and talents at their graduation concert on 23 November 2023.

Held at the RELC Auditorium, the event was billed with the theme “Soaring High: Discovering the Talent in Us” – reflecting the children’s talents and achievements through their years with ELFA.

This year’s theme, “Soaring High: Discovering the Talent in Us”

Joined by children from other classes, the K2 students put up captivating performances, including speech and drama, engaging storytelling sessions as well as song and dance performances. The performances, watched by over 120 parents and family members, were a testament to our children’s unique abilities, talents, and hard work.

The theme holds special meaning at ELFA Preschool. “Soaring High” reflects the boundless potential and ambition we recognize in each child.

“Discovering the Talent in Us” highlights our dedication to helping our children to recognise and develop their unique abilities.

A standout moment at this year’s concert was the dramatic rendition of “草船借箭” (Borrowing Arrows with Thatched Boats) by both K1 and K2 students from ELFA Preschool @ Hougang. Their performance vividly brought to life a segment of The Battle of Red Cliffs from the Chinese classic “Three Kingdoms.”

The story “Borrowing Arrows with Thatched Boats” comes from the classic Chinese literature “Three Kingdoms.” It takes place during the Battle of Red Cliffs, where Zhou Yu challenges Zhuge Liang to produce 100,000 arrows in ten days.

Equally impressive was the poetry recital of 《匆匆》(Rush) by children from ELFA Chinese Preschool @ Pandan Valley. The children demonstrated not only their linguistic skills but also their ability to convey emotion and meaning through poetry.

《匆匆》 (Rush) is a poem reminding us to cherish every moment and to actively pursue our dreams and stay true to our goals as we move forward.

The auditorium was filled with a strong sense pride and joy from the parents, as their children went on stage to receive their certificates. Every performance evoked enthusiasm and excitement, as the children confidently put their best foot forward. It was a day when what they had learned shone brightly, leaving lasting memories for both the young performers and their families.

Celebrating their graduation with a high leap

Parents watched with immense pride as their children both graduated and took the stage

As the graduates closed the curtain on their last year in preschool, we extend a heartfelt congratulations to all of them. We wish them the best as they embark on a new chapter in primary schooling, equipped with the skills they have learned and the cherished experiences at ELFA.

All smiles as we ended the concert with our finale

Click here for more ELFA Preschools Graduation and School Concert 2023 photos.