Just as we start our New Year afresh, our children, too, prepare for a new school term. At ELFA, we ensure our children are well prepared for their new adventures and challenges every new school term presents for them! We start the year on a good note – reminding the children to build or continue with good habits. The children learn self-help skills like cleaning up after themselves and brushing their teeth. The predictability of the school’s timetables help includes these activities seamlessly into every child’s day. These positive habits will become natural for the children as they grow.

Children of ELFA Chinese Preschool @ Pandan Valley extending their positive habits of brushing their teeth properly, a self-help skill learnt at ELFA Chinese Preschool.

It is common for children to experience mixed feelings like excitement and anxiety. After spending a substantial amount of time during the year-end holidays with their loved ones, separation woes are inevitable. Parents act as a big influence to motivate children to stay optimistic and thrilled to start the new school term. While some take time to warm up, most children are excited to be moving along to the next level. Parents are encouraged to remain upbeat to help your child shape a hopeful perspective towards returning to school.

Wellness check before the start of the day at ELFA Chinese Preschool @ Pandan Valley, ensuring our young ones are happy and healthy as they start the school day.

We understand that the first few days of school is often challenging, and bidding goodbye may be tricky. At ELFA, we soothe these separation anxieties by providing parents schedules and updates that will do well to ease first-week jitters.

Regular updates are sent through to ELFA parents in the first weeks. These photos aim to share with parents how their children are coping in the new environment. These will also include updates on when children learn to hit new milestones with the guidance of the teachers.

Reacquainting children with the positive habits of storing their personal belonging in assigned areas to encourage tidiness and ownership.

ELFA believes that every child deserves a curriculum that can empower them to grow and learn at their own pace. Their teachers will guide the children through their daily motions, reintroducing the children to allow them to get accustomed to the new school term. Effective communication between school and home while looking into each child’s needs will ensure a pleasant experience for all parties.

Parent-Teacher communication during arrival and dismissal is also a good opportunity for parents to learn more about their child’s routine and day at the centre. This forms a healthy co-working relationship that supports the child’s learning journey and growth. Watching this positive interaction between family and teachers will help the child make an optimistic connection between home and school. Such an observation will help ease the child’s transition into a new school year. This exchange will also educate the children about relationship-building that they can practice with friends and family.

ELFA promises a fun and engaging environment that inspires children through our curriculum throughout the year. At the start of a school term, our young ones are always excited to be forming wonderful memories with their newfound friends!